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With new armor options being dropped via Warbonds, it can be difficult to keep track of the best armor in Helldivers 2. If you’re looking to improve your odds of survival, you’re going to need the best armor for the job. We’ve ranked our top picks and covered how to get every single armor set in the game.

Helldivers 2 best armor: A player wears the Trench Engineer armor in Helldivers 2. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The Trench Engineer is an affordable pick against enemy forces. Image captured by VideoGamer.

Best armor in Helldivers 2, ranked

While armor tends to slot into Light, Medium, and Heavy categories, each of them has unique perks. These let you tackle goals more effectively, from being harder to detect to carrying more stims or grenades. Based on our time with the game, here are the best armor pieces in Helldiver 2.

7 – Trench Engineer

Key stats:

  • Cost: 10 Medals
  • Speed: 500
  • Stamina Regen: 100
  • Armor Rating: 100

As one of the more affordable medium armor variants, the Trench Engineer is a decent option when you want to deal with large enemy forces. Thanks to being able to carry two more grenades, you will be able to clear nests and objectives more easily while fending off enemies. Crouching or going prone gives you even lower recoil than most suits, letting you use supply weapons better against both Helldivers 2 factions.

Helldivers 2 best armor: The SC-34 Infiltrator suit in the game's armory. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Adopt the SC-34 if you like stealth tactics. Image captured by VideoGamer.

6 – SC-34 Infiltrator

Key stats:

  • Cost: 3 Medals
  • Speed: 525
  • Stamina Regen: 113
  • Armor Rating: 75

At 3 Medals, this one’s our most affordable recommendation. This Light armor offers enhanced movement and stamina at the cost of health. From my experience, even heavily armored allies can be knocked out once foes crowd in on them. But where this armor excels is in supporting teammates. In addition to being harder to spot, you can scan the area for support weapons and other resources. Try having a teammate with one of these to earn more from each operation.

Helldivers 2 best armor: The CM-09 Bonesnapper suit in the game's armory. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Play medic with the CM-09 Bonesnapper. Image captured by VideoGamer.

5 – CM-09 Bonesnapper

Key stats:

  • Cost: 15 Medals
  • Speed: 500
  • Stamina Regen: 100
  • Armor Rating: 100

In addition to being a balanced pick, the Bonesnapper lets you play medic in the game. With an increased stim capacity, you can carry two more stims so keep an eye out for friendly Resupply drops. Your stim effects also last two seconds longer, letting you tank more damage when being healed and gain infinite stamina for longer. It’s a solid pick against both Automaton and Terminid forces.

4 – FS-11 Executioner

Key stats:

  • Cost: 150 Super Credits
  • Speed: 456
  • Stamina Regen: 56
  • Armor Rating: 144

Now that armor rating has been fixed, this Executioner armor is among the best in the game. Thanks to its sleek looks and tough shell, you’ll be able to handle enemy hordes without dying in seconds. And with its enhanced recoil while crouching or going prone, you can wield larger supply weapons with greater accuracy. You also get a sweet 50% resistance to explosive damage.

3 – SC-37 Legionnaire

Key stats:

  • Cost: 150 Super Credits
  • Speed: 544
  • Stamina Regen: 122
  • Armor Rating: 56

This one’s another great light armor choice. With enhanced throwing range for grenades and stratagems, you can keep your distance as you lay waste to bug nests and fuel silos. The additional 50% limb health will ensure that you don’t get bogged down by injuries quickly. You can face larger threats like Hulks in Helldivers 2 with this armor pick as your allies flank the enemy.

Helldivers 2 best armor: The FS-61 Dreadnought suit in the game's armory. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The FS-61 Dreadnought picks armor over stamina. Image captured by VideoGamer.

2 – FS-61 Dreadnought

Key stats:

  • Cost: 250 Super Credits
  • Speed: 456
  • Stamina Regen: 56
  • Armor Rating: 144

If you just want to hole up and blow bugs and automatons to smithereens, this heavy armor is for you. With enhanced armor at the cost of movement, remember to keep track of your position at all times. But with bonus limb health, you’ll be injured less often. And your throwing range boost will let you call in stratagems without dangering the lives of your fellow Helldivers.

1 – FS-38 Eradicator

Key stats:

  • Cost: 250 Super Credits
  • Speed: 544
  • Stamina Regen: 122
  • Armor Rating: 56

While its lower health might seem like a cause for concern, the boost in movement speed and the lower recoil are vital on higher difficulties. Its resistance to explosive damage will certainly serve you well on your managed democracy runs on Automaton planets. Rushing bug nests is a viable strategy with this set too, especially if you have a Jump Pack stratagem. Thanks to its look and stats, it’s our top armor pick in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 best armor: The Helldivers Mobilise battle pass in the game. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Helldivers Mobilise does offer some sweet armor picks. Image captured by VideoGamer.

How to unlock armor in Helldivers 2

Earn medals for the free and paid Helldivers Mobilise battle pass or check out the Superstore for armor unlocks in Helldivers 2. You earn medals by finishing operations across the game’s many planets. While Helldivers 2 doesn’t exactly have classes, you can pick from specific armor types to slot yourself into a dedicated role. While you can get an armor set to have matching items, your resources are better spent on armor pieces themselves.

Special passives help you excel in roles like stealth, defense, or damage. Expect more types of armor to arrive in the Superstore as they are refreshed every 44 hours (one day and 20 hours). These can be purchased using Super Credits.

All armor types and stats explained in Helldivers 2

Armor offers unique passives and combat abilities to players in Helldivers 2. You can customize your Armor, Helmet, and Cape in the Armory tab. These can be broadly categorized into three types:

  • Light Armor: These can be used to avoid detection and enhance mobility.
  • Medium Armor: Use these for a good balance between getting around and survivability.
  • Heavy Armor: Get better protection from damage at the cost of movement.

Here are the stats that are influenced by armor in Helldivers 2:

  • Speed: This value determines how fast your Helldiver runs and sprints.
  • Stamina Regen: After using up stamina by sprinting, this determines how fast you can recover it.
  • Armor Rating: Determines how much damage your Helldiver can sustain. This also depends on where the enemies hit you and if they land critical hits. The latest 01.000.100 update fixed this to work but it’s still hit or miss when it comes to showing you your durability.

All armor passives in Helldivers 2

Armor PassiveDescription
ScoutMarkers placed on the map generate radar scans every two seconds. Reduces the range at which enemies can detect you by 30%.
Engineering KitFurther reduces recoil when crouching or prone by 30%. Enhances initial grenade inventory and total capacity by two.
Democracy Protects50% chance to not die when taking lethal damage (useful against friendly fire too). Prevents all damage from bleeding if your Helldiver’s chest is hemorrhaging from an injury.
Extra PaddingIncreases Armor Rating by 50, providing even more protection against damage.
Med-KitIncreases stim inventory and total capacity by two. Increases stim effect duration by two seconds to survive longer.
Servo-AssistedIncreases throwing range by 30% and provides 50% more limb health to your Helldiver.
FortifiedFurther reduces recoil when crouching or prone by 30% in-game. Provides 50% damage resistance to explosives.
Electrical ConduitOffers 95% resistance to arc damage.
A table with all Helldivers 2 armor passives.
Helldivers 2 best armor: A player fighting near a bug nest in Helldivers 2. Image captured by VideoGamer.
Light armor will let you evade bug breaches effectively. Image captured by VideoGamer.

List of all armor in Helldivers 2 and how to unlock them

Here’s a detailed list of all the armor in Helldivers 2 and how you can unlock them. We’ve included the armor from the Democratic Detonation Warbond as well.

Body ArmorUnlock CostPassiveArmor ratingSpeedStamina regeneration
B-01 Tactical (variation one)Default armorHigh armor rating (Extra Padding)100500100
B-01 Tactical (variation two)Default armorHigh armor rating (Extra Padding)100500100
B-01 Tactical (variation three)Default armorHigh armor rating (Extra Padding)100500100
B-01 Tactical (variation four)Default armorHigh armor rating (Extra Padding)100500100
TR-62 KnightPre-order BonusIncreases throwing range by 30%. Provides +50% limb health.14445656
TR-37 Ambassador of the BrandPre-order BonusHigh armor rating (Extra Padding)100500100
TR-9 Cavalier of DemocracyPre-order Bonus50% chance to not die when taking lethal damage. Prevents all damage from bleeding if chest hemorrhages.100500100
DP-53 Saviour of the FreeSuper Citizen Edition50% chance to not die after lethal damage. Prevents bleeding damage due to chest hemorrhages from attacks.100500100
TR-117 Alpha CommanderTwitch DropIncreases initial inventory and holding capacity of stims by +2. Increases stim effect duration by 2.0s.100500100
SC-34 Infiltrator3 MedalsMinimap markers create a radar scan every two seconds. This lets you find secondary objectives and support weapons. Reduces enemy detection range by 30 percent.75525113
FS-05 Marksman6 Medals30% reduced weapon recoil while crouched or prone. 50% extra explosive damage resistance.14445656
CE-Trench Engineer10 Medals30% reduced weapon recoil while crouched or prone. Enhanced inventory on a drop. Bonus two grenade capacity.100500100
CM-09 Bonesnapper15 MedalsIncreased stim capacity by two slots. Enhanced stim effect duration by two seconds.100500100
DP-40 Hero of the Federation25 Medals50% chance to not die after lethal damage. Prevents bleeding damage due to chest hemorrhages from attacks.100500100
FS-23 Battle Master35 Medals30% reduced weapon recoil while crouched or prone. 50% more explosive damage resistance.14445656
SC-30 Trailblazer Scout50 MedalsMinimap markers create a radar scan every two seconds. Reduces enemy detection range by 30 percent.56544122
SA-04 Combat Technician60 MedalsMinimap markers create a radar scan every two seconds. Reduces enemy detection range by 30 percent.100500100
CM-14 Physician70 MedalsIncreased stim capacity by two slots. Improves stim effect duration by two seconds.100500100
DP-11 Champion of the People100 Medals50% chance to not die after taking fatal damage. Prevents bleeding damage due to chest hemorrhages.100500100
SA-25 Steel Trooper18 MedalsExtra 50% limb health (less chance of breaking limbs). 30% increase in throwing range.100500100
SA-12 Servo Assisted45 MedalsExtra 50% limb health (less chance of breaking limbs). 30% increase in throwing range.100500100
SA-32 Dynamo64 MedalsExtra 50% limb health (less chance of breaking limbs). 30% increase in throwing range.14345757
EX-03 Prototype 318 Medals (Cutting Edge)95% arc damage resistance.100500100
EX-16 Prototype 1645 Medals (Cutting Edge)95% arc damage resistance.100500100
EX-00 Prototype X64 Medals (Cutting Edge)95% arc damage resistance.50550125
CE-27 Ground Breaker18 Medals (Democratic Detonation)The throwing range is increased by 30% and improves limb health by +50%.100500100
CE-07 Demolition Specialist45 Medals (Democratic Detonation)Recoil is reduced by 30% when prone or crouching. Inventory and capacity of grenades is increased by +2.64536118
FS-55 Devastator64 Medals (Democratic Detonation)30% lower weapon recoil while crouched or prone. 50% more explosive damage resistance.15045050
B-08 Light Gunner 150 Super CreditsHigh armor rating (Extra Padding)57543121
FS-61 Dreadnought250 Super CreditsThe throwing range is increased by 30% and improves limb health by +50%.14445656
SC-37 Legionnaire150 Super CreditsThe throwing range is increased by 30% and improves limb health by +50%.56544122
SC-15 Drone Master250 Super CreditsRecoil is reduced by 30% when prone or crouching. Inventory and capacity of grenades is increased by +2.100500100
B-24 Enforcer150 Super Credits30% lower weapon recoil while crouched or prone. 50% more explosive damage resistance.12547575
CE-74 Breaker250 Super Credits30% lower weapon recoil while crouched or prone. Extra inventory on drop with bonus two grenade capacity.56544122
FS-38 Eradicator250 Super CreditsRecoil is reduced by 30% when prone or crouching. Also gives 50% resistance to explosives.56544122
B-27 Fortified Commando400 Super CreditsHigh armor rating (Extra Padding)14445656
CM-21 Trench Paramedic250 Super CreditsIncreases initial inventory and holding capacity of stims by +2. Increases stim effect duration by 2.0s.69531116
FS-11 Executioner150 Super CreditsFurther reduces recoil when crouching or prone by 30%. Provides 50% resistance to explosive damage.14445656
FS-34 Exterminator400 Super CreditsRecoil is reduced by 30% when prone or crouching. Also gives 50% resistance to explosives.100500100
CE-81 Juggernaut250 Super CreditsRecoil is reduced by 30% when prone or crouching. Inventory and capacity of grenades is increased by +2.100500100
A table with every armor item in Helldivers 2.
Helldivers 2 best armor: The CM-14 Physician armor in Helldivers 2. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The CM-14 Physician armor packs better stims. Image captured by VideoGamer.

All Helmets in Helldivers 2 and how to unlock them

All Helmets in Helldivers 2 currently offer 100 Armor Rating, Speed, and Stamina Regen. Future updates might let you tinker with these values. For now, here are all the helmets in Helldivers 2. We’ve split them based on how you acquire them in-game, be it via the Warbonds or the Superstore.

HelmetUnlock CostPassiveArmor RatingSpeedStamina Regeneration
TR-Cavalier of DemocracyPre-order bonusNA100100100
TR-7 Ambassador of the BrandPre-order bonusNA100100100
TR-62 KnightPre-order bonusNA100100100
DP-53 Saviour of the FreeSuper Citizen Edition pre-order bonusNA100100100
TR-117 Alpha CommanderTwitch dropNA100100100
B-01 Tactical HelmetFreeNA100100100
A table with all the free Helldivers 2 helmets.

Focus on body armor upgrades over helmets and capes

This is because your stats are only affected by your body armor choices outside of two minor helmet bonuses.

Helldivers 2 best armor: The SC-30 Trailblazer helmet in Helldivers 2. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The SC-30 Trailblazer has a secret speed and stamina boost. Image captured by VideoGamer.

Helldivers Mobilise Warbond Helmets

HelmetUnlock CostPassiveArmor RatingSpeedStamina Regeneration
SC-34 Infiltrator2 MedalsNA100100100
FS-05 Marksman5 MedalsNA100100100
CE-35 Trench Engineer7 MedalsNA100100100
CM-09 Bonesnapper12 MedalsNA100100100
DP-40 Hero of the Federation20 MedalsNA100100100
FS-23 Battle Master25 MedalsNA100100100
SC-30 Trailblazer Scout35 MedalsHidden bonus – speed and stamina94106103
SA-04 Combat Technician40 MedalsNA100100100
CM-14 Physician50 MedalsNA100100100
DP-11 Champion of the People75 MedalsNA100100100
A table with all the Helldivers Mobilise Warbond Helmets in Helldivers 2.
Helldivers 2 best armor: The SA-32 Dynamo helmet in Helldivers 2. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The SA-32 Dynamo pairs stormtrooper vibes with Terminid hunting. Image captured by VideoGamer.

Steeled Veterans Warbond Helmets

HelmetUnlock CostPassiveArmor RatingSpeedStamina Regeneration
SA-25 Steel Trooper12 MedalsNA100100100
SA-12 Servo Assisted35 MedalsNA100100100
SA-32 Dynamo48 MedalsHidden bonus – armor1089291
A table with all the Steeled Veterans Warbond Helmets in Helldivers 2.
Helldivers 2 best armor: The EX-00 Prototype X helmet in Helldivers 2. Image captured by VideoGamer.
This helmet uses an external camera for vision. Image captured by VideoGamer.

Cutting Edge Warbond Helmets

HelmetUnlock CostPassiveArmor RatingSpeedStamina Regeneration
EX-03 Prototype 312 MedalsNA100100100
EX-16 Prototype 1635 MedalsNA100100100
EX-00 Prototype X48 MedalsNA100100100
A table with all the Cutting Edge Warbond Helmets in Helldivers 2.
Helldivers 2 best armor: The CM-21 Trench Paramedic helmet in Helldivers 2. Image captured by VideoGamer.
The CM-21 Trench Paramedic helmet goes well with its medic body armor counterpart. Image captured by VideoGamer.

Superstore Helmets

HelmetUnlock CostPassiveArmor RatingSpeedStamina Regeneration
B-08 Light Gunner75 Super CreditsNA100100100
FS-61 Dreadnought125 Super CreditsNA100100100
SC-37 Legionnaire75 Super CreditsNA100100100
SC-15 Drone Master125 Super CreditsNA100100100
B-24 Enforcer75 Super CreditsNA100100100
CE-74 Breaker125 Super CreditsNA100100100
FS-38 Eradicator125 Super CreditsNA100100100
B-27 Fortified Commando200 Super CreditsNA100100100
CM-21 Trench Paramedic125 Super CreditsNA100100100
FS-11 Executioner75 Super CreditsNA100100100
FS-34 Exterminator200 Super CreditsNA100100100
CE-81 Juggernaut125 Super CreditsNA100100100
A table with all the Superstore Helmets in Helldivers 2.

Use the right equipment alongside your team for the best results. For instance, a Heavy armor wielder can protect weaker allies as they take foes down. A Light-armored Helldiver can find new resources and serve as a scout in your squad. Bonuses like extra stims and grenades will help you sustain injuries and close down enemy structures so keep an eye out for them.

Helldivers 2 armor FAQs

Which armor should I pick in Helldivers 2?

Pick one that matches your playstyle in the game.

Is it worth spending Super Credits in Helldivers 2 for armor?

Considering that helmets and capes don’t give you bonuses, use Super Credits on Armor.

About the Author

Antony Terence

Antony Terence is a Guides Writer for VideoGamer. While he is particularly fond of city-builders, shooters, and strategy titles, he won’t turn down a good JRPG or a turn-based roguelike.

Helldivers 2

  • Release Date: February 8, 2024
  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5
  • Genre(s): Action, Shooter, Third Person
8 VideoGamer