How to increase Approval in Manor Lords

How to increase Approval in Manor Lords
Tom Bardwell Updated on by

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In Manor Lords, a settlement lives and dies by its Approval rating. Keep it high and your citizens will laud you; let it plummet and they’ll spread disorder, and if left to fester, they’ll turn to banditry and thieving to meet their needs. The bottom line is that you’ll want to keep your Approval nice and high if you plan on maintaining a flourishing settlement.

It’s easier said than done though given the inherent complexity of the game. We’ll walk you through how to increase Approval in Manor Lords, which you’ll need to raise to 100% to unlock the Cheerful Metropolis trophy.

✓ At A Glance

How do you raise Approval in Manor Lords?

  1. Ensure you have no homeless citizens
  2. Keep taxes low
  3. Upgrade to a Small Stone Church
  4. Build a Corpse Pit to bury dead enemy soldiers
  5. Meet burgage plot food, clothing, and fuel stall supply needs

Manor Lords Approval explained

Before we dive into raising and maintaining Approval, a quick primer on what it is. Approval is basically a measure of your settlement’s overall prosperity and your citizens happiness. It has a direct impact on population growth. The higher it is, the more new citizens move to your city. It also impacts the morale of your militia and armies, and by extension their proficiency on the battlefield. And, as above, determines whether your citizens are likely to turn into bandits and steal resources and food from your settlement.

Several factors dictate Approval rating: clothing market supply, market food supply, fuel stall supply, church level, tavern ale supply, public order, corpses, and taxation. Essentially, Approval directly mirrors how well burgage plot needs and requirements are met, regardless of their level.

Manor Lords Approval: top-down view of a medieval village with the Approval rating percentage highlighted in yellow.
Approval rating, along with the factors affecting it, is displayed at the top of the screen. Captured by VideoGamer.

Approval rating is displayed as a percentage in the horizontal overlay at the top of the screen. Approval breaks down into a three tier system that determines how army morale and population growth is affected. We’ve put together a table detailing how these tiers work:

Approval RatingPopulation Growth Effect
Below 25%Causes emigration, citizens will actively leave your settlement. Some will turn to banditry and crime.
50%-75%One new family will join your settlement per month if there is sufficient vacant housing.
Above 75%Two new families will join your settlement per month if there is sufficient vacant housing.

How to improve Approval rating in Manor Lords

Though a low Approval in Manor Lords can be daunting, there are several steps you can take to improve it and keep your citizens happy. Some are easier than others and we have a dedicated section for the most complex – meeting citizen food, fuel, amenity, and commodity needs.

Manor Lords Approval: aerial view of a field showing tents, a farm plot, and animals.
A red flag will pop up below your settlement’s name letting you know about homeless citizens. Captured by VideoGamer.

Firstly, and this is an easy one to solve, make sure there are no homeless citizens in your settlement by building enough burgage plots as soon as possible. Homelessness causes the biggest loss of Approval in the game. When you start a fresh save, the five starting families included with the Settler’s Camp are homeless so make sure to house them and any new immigrants thereafter quickly.

Manor Lords Approval: top-down view of a medieval village with a menu for monthly taxation options highlighted.
You can adjust, or turn off, taxation at the Manor. Captured by VideoGamer.

Secondly, keep citizen taxation low. You can adjust this by tapping the Taxes option at the Manor and setting the Land Tax percentage lower. We recommend 5% at most to ensure the Approval rating impact stays low. Or, better, remove taxes entirely.

Building a Wooden Church then upgrading it to a Small Stone Church will give a significant boost to Approval rating for very little effort. At the same time, having a levelled up Church will tick off Church Level requirements for level 1, level 2, and level 3 burgage plots.

Manor Lords Approval: aerial view of a medieval village with an overlay for the corpse pit building.
Victory in battle means you’ll need to take care of the bodies. Captured by VideoGamer.

While a Church will bury any of your citizens that pass away, leaving enemy corpses lying around in your claimed regions will lower Approval. To remedy this, you’ll need to build a Corpse Pit, available under the Residential section of the build menu. Staff up the Corpse Pit and the workers will lay the dead soldiers to rest, raising Approval in the process.

Meet burgage plot food, clothing, and fuel stall supply needs

The easiest way to increase Approval Manor Lords is to meet the requirements for your burgage plots at their respective levels. This means providing food variety, fuel, clothing, ale via a tavern, and church access. Tavern and church access are fairly self-explanatory and rely on having these buildings in your settlements, and in the case of the tavern, feeding it a steady flow of ale. Check our dedicated how to make Ale guide for further details.

Manor Lords Approval: a medieval village viewed from the top with an overlay detailing burgage plot requirements.
Check requirements by tapping on any of your burgage plots. Captured by VideoGamer

As for food, fuel, and clothing, you’ll need to not only source the raw ingredients to produce these but set up marketstalls in proximity to burgage plots and make sure their stalls are stocked with plenty of goods for your citizens. You can check burgage plot requirements by clicking on a burgage plot and looking at Requirements under Residential. We’ve put together a table to lay these out for convenience:

Burgage Plot LevelWater AccessTavern SupplyChurch AccessFuel Stall SupplyFood Stall SupplyClothing Stall Supply
Level 1Any well constructed in the regionWooden ChurchStocked marketplace Fuel Stall2 types of Food supplied to a marketplace Food StallMarketplace Clothing Stall stocked with Linen, Leather, or Yarn
Level 2Any well constructed in the regionAny well constructed in the regionSmall Wooden ChurchStocked marketplace Fuel Stall3 types of Food supplied to a marketplace Food StallMarketplace Clothing Stall stocked with Linen, Leather, or Yarn

Marketplace Clothing Stall stocked with Shoes, Clothes, Cloaks
Level 3Any well constructed in the regionAny well constructed in the regionSmall Wooden ChurchStocked marketplace Fuel Stall4 types of Food supplied to a marketplace Food StallMarketplace Clothing Stall stocked with Linen, Leather, or Yarn

Marketplace Clothing Stall stocked with Shoes, Clothes, Cloaks

Overall, the general gist of keeping Approval high in Manor Lords is to keep your citizens fed and clothed, and generally ensuring they have a good quality of life.