How to get Regional Wealth in Manor Lords

How to get Regional Wealth in Manor Lords
Tom Bardwell Updated on by

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At the start of every Manor Lords game, you’re allocated a small coffer of Regional Wealth. As you set up your early economy and lay down your starting buildings, that stock will quickly dwindle away, forcing you to establish other ways to secure a guaranteed inflow of Regional Wealth. This is done in three ways: passive monthly income from levelled-up burgage plots, trade, and taxation.

As Regional Wealth is used for everything from burgage plot extensions to constructing and upgrading production buildings and establishing trade routes and trading in general, it’s a resource you’ll need throughout a playthrough. We’ll walk you through how to get Regional Wealth in Manor Lords

✓ Quick Answer

How do you increase Regional Wealth in Manor Lords?

To get Regional Wealth, you’ll need to level up burgage plots to earn passive income, conduct trade, or tax your citizens via a Manor.

Passive Regional Wealth income from burgage plots

From level 2 onward, every burgage plot generates a set amount of passive Regional Wealth per family, per month as follows:

  • Level 2 – 1 Regional Wealth per family, per month.
  • Level 3 – 2 Regional Wealth per family, per month.

The per family part is a little confusing as most burgage plots only house a single family. What this refers to is burgage plots with enough land to build an expansion (click on the burgage plot and tap the upgrade button), which will house a secondary family at level 3, therefore doubling that plot’s overall Regional Wealth income.

Upgrading burgage plots has several benefits beyond Regional Wealth generation, namely access to more extension types (artisans from level 2) and space for new citizens (at level 3). But you’ll need to meet and keep up with set requirements related to food variety, clothing, church access, tavern access, and so on to keep your population happy. It’s, therefore, important to have a robust food, commodity, and resource production chain before committing to widespread burgage plot upgrades.

Manor Lords how to get Regional Wealth: top-down view of a village with the Trading Post overlay open highlighting trade prices.
Trade is one of the most profitable ways to earn Regional Wealth. Captured by VideoGamer.


The second way to get Regional Wealth in Manor Lords, and arguably, the most profitable, is through trade. After constructing a Trading Post, you can export excess food, crops, herbs, building materials, commodities like ale, weapons, clothes, and armour to neighbouring fiefdoms, earning Regional Wealth for every trade. 

Export prices vary greatly, so concentrate on big ticket items like weapons and commodities to maximise profits. In the early game, you can flog plentiful starter resources known as Minor Trades like planks, hides, and firewood to get the Regional Wealth needed to grow, but always graduate to Major Trade items that serve up better profits in the long-term. These do require that you establish a trade route, which costs Regional Wealth, but the initial investment is quickly recouped and well worth it.

Manor Lords how to get Regional Wealth: top-down view of a village with Livestock Trading Post overlay open highlighting livestock trade prices.
Trading livestock earns you a pretty penny. Captured by VideoGamer.

Additionally, you can also build a Livestock Trading Post to sell surplus sheep, cows, horses, lambs, and mules for a hefty profit. This is especially efficient if you have a Sheep Farm and several pastures with the Sheepbreeding development upgrade unlocked, which allows sheep to reproduce automatically, giving you an infinite source of sheep to export. To unlock the upgrade make sure you have a development point (obtained whenever you raise your settlement level), tap your settlement’s name at the top of screen, then choose the Sheepbreeding upgrade represented by a sheep icon.


The final way to get Regional Wealth in Manor Lords is to tax your citizens. To do this, you’ll need to construct a Manor. Once the Manor is up and running, click on the building and select Taxes. Here, you can choose several tax options and set a tax percentage. You’ll want to enable the first one in the list called Land Tax by adjusting the percentage above 0%. With Tax, the Regional Wealth returns are logically better the bigger your population, so we see it as a mid to late game way of securing income.

Manor Lords how to get Regional Wealth: aerial view of a medieval village with the Manor overlay open detailing taxing options.
Set Land Tax between 5-10% to balance out Regional Wealth income and Approval rating impact. Captured by VideoGamer.

Note that higher taxes decrease Approval rating so a light touch here is recommended until you’ve got 100% approval. Somewhere between 5-10% is a solid starting place and offers a balance between decent tax income and a low Approval rating impact of between -2 and -4.

As a final note, Regional Wealth is tied to specific regions rather than the map overall with each region having its own stock and Regional Wealth generation infrastructure. It’s similar to trading and Manor functionality in that sense. Unfortunately, Regional Wealth isn’t transferable between regions and you can’t make a tribute from a wealthy region to a poorer one, for example.