Wild Hearts – How to Fast Travel

Wild Hearts – How to Fast Travel
Tom Bardwell Updated on by

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Wild Hearts features a fast travel system, but it’s rather unusual as it depends on very strict factors that determine whether you can unlock a fast travel point or not. All this starts with camps built around Dragon Pits. The Hunter’s Tent, which acts as a fast travel point, is one of the buildings you can set up at a camp.

Done and dusted, right? Plop down a Hunter’s Tent, and you can travel at will. In Wild Hearts, it’s not so simple. The game doesn’t allow you to construct a tent at every Dragon Pit location. Nor does the game provide the best explanation as to where you can build Hunter’s Tent fast travel points.

In this guide, we’ll outline how to unlock fast travel points, where Hunter’s Tents are allowed, and how to fast travel in Wild Hearts.

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How to Fast Travel in Wild Hearts

Wild Hearts - How to Fast Travel

To fast travel in Wild Hearts, first, open up the map. Unlocked fast travel spots are represented by tent icons. Hover over one of these icons and tap the corresponding ‘Travel’ button – X on PS5, for example. You’ll immediately travel to the chosen location.

How to Unlock Fast Travel Points in Wild Hearts

Wild Hearts - How to Fast Travel

You’ll need to build a Hunter’s Tent at Dragon Pits to unlock a fast travel point in Wild Hearts. These pits are dotted regularly around the map, represented by what look like smiley faces topped with fiery hair from afar. Enter the Dragon Karakuri menu when you’re close to the pit and, select the Hunter’s Tent, then place it.

Now, here’s where things get a little complicated. You can’t build Hunter’s Tents at all Dragon Pits. Each pit has a different set of capacity stats covering specific elemental energy – water, fire, wind, and so on. These dictate what you can build.

Dragon Karakuri, whether a Hunter’s Tent, Campfire, or Field Forge, require a set amount of one of these stats; otherwise, they can’t be built. You can check the requirements for each type of Dragon Karakuri by selecting the building in the Karakuri menu.

Wild Hearts - How to Fast Travel

For example, a Hunter’s Tent requires 50 of the mineral/earth stat. Not all Dragon Pits have the required 50 stat, preventing you from building a Hunter’s Tent and unlocking a fast travel point at every Wild Hearts pit.

You can boost energy stats by upgrading the Dragon Pit, but attaining the requirement is a real slog and often not worth it when you can explore a little further and find a pit with base stats that support a Hunter’s Tent.

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Once, you’ve got your head around the stat requirement, the fast travel system in Wild Hearts becomes a lot more clearer, though the frustration of only having tents at specific locations never fully disappears.