Starfield:Engine Systems

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This page was last edited on 5 September 2023, at 13:57.

Engine Systems
Engine Systems
Skill Tree Tech
Skill Tier Advanced
Utility Space Travel/Ship Combat

In Starfield, Engine Systems is a skill in the Tech category. By levelling up this skill, players can get more out of their ship's engines. As an Advanced-tier skill, players will need to invest 4 skill points in Tech skills before it can be unlocked. Later ranks are locked behind challenges.

Engine Systems skill ranks

Engine Systems skill ranks in Starfield
Skill rank Description Challenge
Rank 1 Your ship's top speed is increased by 10%. Boost 5 times with your spaceship while in combat.
Rank 2 Ship boosts last longer and the cooldown is shorter. Boost 25 times with your spaceship while in combat.
Rank 3 Your ship's top speed is increased by 20%. Boost 50 times with your spaceship while in combat.
Rank 4 While boosting, all enemies disengage the player and can only reacquire them as a target after the player stops boosting. N/A